Thursday, May 19, 2016

Marijuana is kosher for Passover, leading rabbi rules

Cannabis may be used for medical reasons during Passover, despite previously being forbidden

Consuming marijuana for medical reasons is kosher for Passover, a leading rabbi has ruled, after being presented with cannabis leaves and told that they have a ‘healing’ smell.
Among Ashkenazi Jews, who are of usually of Central and Eastern European descent, the drug would be considered to be a member of the kitniyot – a group of legumes and grains which are forbidden during the festival of Passover, including rice, peas and lentils.
But Belarusian rabbi Chaim Kanievsky has said that marijuana may be used by Jews from all backgrounds on Passover if it is used for medical purposes, The Times of Israel reports.
The 88-year-old rabbi, who lives in Bnei Brak, an Israeli city east of Tel Aviv, can be seen with another prominent rabbi in a video uploaded to YouTube by pro-legalisation group Cannabis Israel in which they are presented with cannabis leaves and partake in the leaves being blessed.

Watch Chaim Kanievsky give his blessing:

In 2013, Orthodox rabbi Efraim Zalmanovich ruled that distributing and smoking marijuana is kosher, but only for medicinal purposes. Using the drug for fun, he said, was forbidden.
Rabbi Zalmanovich has reportedly said that “taking drugs to escape the world” is “certainly forbidden” but people using it for medical reasons are using it in a kosher way.


Saturday, May 14, 2016

Autistic Boy Gains Ability to Speak After Just 2 Days of Cannabis Oil Treatment

At 10 months of age, Kalel Santiago of Puerto Rico was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called neuroblastoma. He endured chemotherapy, radiation treatments, and surgery for two yearsand survived. Then he was diagnosed with something permanent: severe autism that disabled him from speaking.
Kalel Santiago 9, who has autism, spoke his first words
shortly after starting hemp-oil treatments.
“While he was in the hospital, we noticed he didn’t speak at all and had some behavior that wasn’t right, like hand flapping, and walking on his toes,” his father Abiel Gomez Santiago told Yahoo News. “But we waited until he was 3 and cancer-free to look at his behavior.”
According to Yahoo, “He and his wife Gladys — also parents to two older boys, now 18 and 20 — did a cram course in educating themselves on autism. They tried various schools and therapies and eventually found impressive success with a unique surf-therapy school near their home.”
Eventually, the Santiago family stumbled upon a treatment of real potency and potential: CBD oil.
Kalel with his parents, Abiel and Gladys. 
Through a fundraising program, they were able to receive a tiny bottle of the oil. Kalel was given oral doses twice a day.
Within just two days, he was finally able to speak. “He surprised us in school by saying the vowels, A-E-I-O-U. It was the first time ever,” Abiel said. “You can’t imagine the emotion we had, hearing Kalel’s voice for the first time. It was amazing. The teacher recorded him and sent it to my wife and me and we said well, the only different thing we have been doing is using the CBD.”
Soon after, he began using consonants, too, speaking like his parents never thought possible. “He said, ‘amo mi mama,’ ‘I love my mom,’” Abiel says. “I don’t know how to thank [the CBD oil makers].”
Kalel’s story is yet another piece of evidence piling onto the mountain of support for cannabis oil and full marijuana legalization. Please share this with as many people as possible.